Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Improving Services Expanding Partnerships

Council Elects New Set of Officers

The Microfinance Council of the Philippines conferred a mandate to a fresh Board of Trustees on its 9th Annual General Meeting held last May 12, 2009. The new President of the network is TSPI Development Corporation’s Executive Director, Mr. Ruben de Lara. Zamboanga-based MFI, KFI Center for Community Development Foundation (KCCDFI), gets a seat in the council in the person of its CEO, Mr. Rodolfo Quinday. The newly elected officers are:

President: TSPI -- Mr. Ruben de Lara

Vice-President: NWTF -- Dr. Cecilia del Castillo

Secretary: CARD -- Dr. Jaime Aristotle Alip

Treasurer: ASHI -- Ms. Mila Mercado-Bunker

Internal Auditor: KCCDFI -- Mr. Rodolfo Quinday

Members: ASKI -- Mr. Rolando Victoria and MILAMDEC -- Fr. Emeterio Barcelon, S.J.

On their first MCPI Board meeting in May 2009, Mr. de Lara welcomed the members of the Board. He also asked for their support in implementing the programs of the network. In particular, Mr. de Lara enjoined the officers to work together in finding ways to improve MCPI’s services to members and to expand its partnerships.

The 2009-2010 Board of Trustees is the seventh set of officers since MCPI was formally constituted in 2001. Mr. de Lara was also the MCPI president in 2003-2004.

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